-cost: 2,519,700 pistoolas per unit (approx. $2,786,800 USD) -power: SCORE 580-6347R, 6 Rotor, 3000 HP engine -fuel capacity: The Overseer carries enough fuel for 10 hours of continuous travel, or 40 hours of stationary operations. -maneuverability: the Overseer is the first vehicle from KRA to employ ground-effect fans for motion. this makes the Overseer unhindered by terrain, and gives it a flight ceiling of up to 3 meters. top speed over all solid surfaces is approximately 310 km/h. over water, top speed is reduced to 220 km/h. -armament: double-barreled, liquid cooled .50 caliber machine gun -Rate of Fire: 160 rounds/minute -Magazine: the overseer carries 960 rounds of standard .50 caliber ammunition in it's magazine. -armor: 1.12" TTa armor throughout. -sensors: standard Optical, Integral Radar, NV and IR, long-range scrambled communications link, Tac-Com military intelligence uplink, ECM. -crew: 5: Driver/Gunner, Commander, Communications Officer, Radar Operator, Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) The Overseer is designed to take position a safe distance from the combat zone, and then to use it's powerful sensors to detect and direct troop movements in combat. it's armor, while not paper-thin, is not designed to withstand sustained fire, so the unit should be protected at all times. the Overseer's .50 cal machine gun can be controlled by either the driver or by the commander, but it is a defensive weapon, designed to eliminate infantry and light vehicles before they can engage the Overseer. the driver should be ready at any time to fall back, even if the Overseer is defended.