-cost: 904,200 pistoolas per unit (approx. $1,000,000 USD) -power: dual hydroxyl rockets -fuel capacity: the Stinger carries enough hydrogen and oxygen for .5 hours of continuous, full-throttle operation, or up to 2 hours of low-thrust operation. additionally it has a small internal battery pack and emergency screw built into the underside of the hull, enabling it to reach safety even after it's rocket fuel is exhausted (though at a MUCH slower rate) -maneuverability: top speed is approximately 300 km/h on the surface, 100 km/h underwater. -armament: single-barrel, liquid cooled 20mm cannon (x2) -Rate of Fire: 150 rounds/minute/gun -Magazine: the Stinger carries 900 rounds of 20mm APEX (Armor Piercing-Explosive) ammunition -armor: .92" TTa overall. -sensors: standard and enhanced Optical, Integral Radar/Sonar, short-range scrambled communications link. -crew: 1: Driver/gunner the Stinger is Kelvinisgrad's first internationally available sea platform. it is designed to take large amounts of damage and still bring the pilot home safely. underneath it's dense armor is a very solid frame designed to absorb impact, so that the Stinger can survive deployment. it is designed to be dropped from a low-flying bomber (500-1500 ft.) and dive straight into the water. once the vehicle is underwater, the pilot may activate the rocket engine and deploy the foils. once the Stinger re-emerges on the surface, the pilot will use his 20mm cannons to tear open lighter-armored enemy vessels, and harrass larger craft (a large number of these working together can take down an aircraft carrier under the right conditions.) as a VASH-type (Variable Attitude Submersible Hydrofoil) vehicle, the Stinger has distinct advantages over it's surface-bound counterparts, especially when it's rocket-propulsion system is taken into consideration.