-cost: 2,437,600 pistoolas per unit (approx. $2,696,000 USD) -power: SCORE 580-4112R 4 Rotor, 2000 HP engine -fuel capacity: the Hydra carries enough fuel for 17 hours of continuous operation. -maneuverability: top speed over paved surfaces is approximately 110 km/h. over unpaved, hard surfaces there is a negligible reduction in speed. over soft terrain (sand, snow, mud, etc.), the Hydra's top speed is reduced to approximately 75 km/h. -armament: KAR-VMLU Variable Munition Launch Unit -Rate of Fire: N/A -Magazine: the VMLU can carry 8 775mm "Vengeance" class missiles (including the LRCM "Retribution" cluster munition), or 32 380mm "Pugilist" class medium rockets, or any combination thereof -armor: 3.5" TTa armor overall, with an additional 1" around vital systems and crew compartments -sensors: Standard Optical, Integral Radar, long-range scrambled communications link. -crew: 2: Driver, Fire-Control Officer The Hydra is a long-range support vehicle, designed to surgically strike or saturate a target area from up to 75 km, with minimal warning prior to munition impact. it's scrambled communications link offers secure target-data transfer for accurate launch and guidance. despite it's relatively heavy armor, the Hydra is NOT a frontline unit, and has no defense against ground forces at close range. it should be protected and kept well back from the front lines.