This folder contains pictures of my 4th generation 8mm:1ft scale railway layout modules. I have now completed 20 modules to a reasonable standard. Foliage and some trackside features will be improved later, when more modules are built. Just 122yds of main line is currently represented (lines 1&3), with 80yds of track in the yard. See 1ovh and 2ovl pictures. Track positions are numbered from the top in picture 1ovh2: 1-3 go right, 4-6 go left, 7-9 in the yard. More points on further modules will connect the yard tracks to main line 6 and will provide the yard headshunt and sidings. Further modules will bring the main line tracks round corners at each end. See pictures of earlier prototypes (Go Up). The layout will eventually be a double track looped eight, 16ft x 12ft, and I hope to exhibit it. 4th generation module features: Modules up to 48x48 studs in size. Internal arch construction supports the track beds, with scenery in between. Slopes of up to 1 in 30 (1 plate height per 12 studs length). See Slope pictures. Slope changes of 0.5 plate per 16 studs length. Crossover tracks between main lines (tracks 2 and 5) change from +1in30 to -1in30 Main line tracks will connect to a station at the upper ends and to a fiddle yard underneath it at the lower ends. Ballasted track, including points and double crossover. The ballast colour changes according to the level of dirt in each trackbed location: Background is darkest in the yard. Oil dropped where trains stop at signals darkens the ballast in the 4ft (between the tracks). Tracks 2 & 5 are darkest. The 4ft is lightest where the train is going down hill and drops the least oil - Tracks 3 & 6. Scenic background is predominantly grey for flat areas and shallow slopes but predominantly sand green for banks. Retaining walls divide the upper and lower tracks where the bank slope would exceed 3 plates/stud. Mostly metal track: Main lines will probably continue as 9V for the time being. Yard lines beyond the crossover may use Power Functions pilot locos / switchers. The Class 14 diesel is compatible with this. Pneumatically-controlled points and double crossover. See Ctrl and Points pictures. Controlled from pumps and valve switches behind the backscene wall. Colour code: Red for farthest 3 tracks towards the right, where the Class 37 diesel waits with a ballast train. See Class37 pictures. Blue for next 3 tracks towards the left, where 5972 Olton Hall waits with a coach. See Hall pictures. Yellow for yard tracks, where the Class 14 diesel waits and the track gang is working. Air connections between modules (up to 8 per module) can be easily made for setup at shows and broken for take-down. Maximum use of rigid 3.2mm tubing to minimise balloon-effect. Long overlaps of pneumatic hoses with 3.2mm tubes for reliability. Connections to farthest points have 3 connections to make and need 5-6 pumps of the pump cylinder to operate. One pump cylinder per point to avoid common cause failures. Only lower nozzles of cylinders were used to ensure reliability at shows. The double crossover can set both tracks straight in both directions simultaneously. The lever shrouds were removed to facilitate this from pneumatic control. The other points have not been modified. Point heater cubicles and their transformers, with one initial (orange) under-track conduit - more to follow. See phcub pictures. One thermocouple cubicle can control a few points close together but there is one power transformer per point. Some initial scenic plants - more to be developed. See Foliage pictures. Foliage1 and Gang2 show various ground covering plants. Foliage2 & 3 show smaller plants that may grow between tracks. Foliage4 shows Buddleia - ubiquitous on British railways, having white, pink or purple cones of flowers. Some types of LEGO plant, such as conifers, would not appear on a railway trackbed! Track maintenance gang with Thermit welding apparatus - perhaps they are standing too close! See Gang and Thermit pictures. Black rectangular outline shows probable site for signal box. ~35-lever box expected for this number of points and signals. Signal box 16x32 base may be lifted off modules. Signals (to be added) may be made to work, especially if I use earlier semaphore and shunting signal prototypes. I hope you find something here to inspire you! Mark Bellis 29/11/2008