Sajuuk (26522) | ...meworld/SajuukCor/ | Up |
Sajuuk Cor means Gods Wrath in Hiigaran, this deadly fighter is equipped with four light gauss cannons two rotary quadbarrel heavy gauss cannons and two concealed rocket launchers each with three Widowmaker plasnuke rockets |
combatmode.bmp |
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...portopen.bmp |
gaussguns1.bmp |
gunstobear.bmp |
landed1.bmp |
landedside.bmp |
...deployed.bmp |
...nggearup.bmp |
maindrives.bmp |
...ycloseup.bmp |
...ightmode.bmp |
...cockpit1.bmp |
...cockpit2.bmp |
...baysopen.bmp |
...kerocket.bmp |
Folder Keywords: MOC Space Mecha fighters fighter homeworld sajuuk bomber
Folder created: 2004/10/06 20:35:54
Folder modified: 2004/10/11 20:14:39
System Stats:
4,941,716 Files | 431,124 Folders |
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