On 11 September 2001, the world was rocked when terrorists attacked America by hijacking jet airliners and flying them into both the towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City, and the Pentagon in Washington DC. A fourth jet crashed in bushland in Pennsylvania, apparently after the passengers attempted to overcome their hijackers. As well as killing the hijackers and all the passengers on the planes, both towers subsequently collapsed, as well as a large part of the Pentagon, killing many people inside and around the buildings as well, including many emergency workers who had responded to the initial crashes. This is my tribute to these people, all the others who have lost family or friends, and those who continue to give their all on the streets of Manhattan. It's only a rough representation of the twin towers, the people who worked there every day, and the many visitors. May the victims all rest in peace. ROSCO, 15 September 2001