Name: Federation Excelsior-class starship Origin: Film, "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" Scale: Micro Colors: White, blue, black, dark grey Builder: Phillip Thorne Built: Oct. 2005 Buildtime: ~2h Versions: 1 Version 1 specs:: Pieces: ~80 Length: 26 studs, ~21 cm Scale: 1:2223 Description:: This heavy cruiser, follow-up to the _Constitution_ class, measures 467 meters in length (although later variants of the planform were up to 700). It's white, with blue and red livery on the primary and secondary hulls. I built this model while planning a starship combat sim for the Philcon 2005 SF convention, but it first appeared in the DelVaLUG layout at NBC10 Lifestyles Expo (12-13 November 2005). Its scale was determined by the 8-stud radar dish. Note the paired photon torpedo launchers in the interconnecting dorsal, and the omission of the main deflector dish. In my plans for the sim, the models would serve as their own record sheets: players would attach trans-orange flame pieces to damaged sections, and the base would carry trans-blue markers indicating shield strength. Accordingly, the 1x8 black tile atop each nacelle would be replaced with a plate. Reference images are available on the web, e.g.: