One of the most common sights at spaceports throughout the galaxy, the Koensayr JMB-D7 light freighter was originally developed for use as a landing craft by the security forces of the the Old Republic. The same rugged reliability that made it a dependable and popular military craft - typical of Koensayr ships, such as the BTL-S3 Y-wing fighter/bomber - serve it well in this commercial variant. Powered by four massive Novaldex J-700 ion sublight drives, the JMB-D7 is capapble of carrying in excess of 180 metric tons of cargo at speeds up to 30 MGLT. The ship may be optionally equipped with a Koensayr R-100 G class 4 hyperdrive. Sockets for two astromech droids allow the ship to operate with only one humanoid pilot. The ship has a armored alusteel hull with ablative re-entry plating on the belly. Light defense is provided by four tail-mounted Taim & Bak IX6 laser cannons. The model pictured is also equipped with a long-range sensor and communications array. The fierce-looking projections on the front of the engine pods are actually bussard field projectors for the extended-range fuel system. Coming full circe, the Rebellion has retrofitted several civilian JMB-D7's for use once again as military landing craft.